Below are samples that are among my non-automotive work. Clients represented here range from US Cellular to Cannondale to Wyoming Tourism. And the types of work varied from TV, posters, advertising campaigns, billboards, catalogs, brochures...the list goes on.
Below is a mix of work for agencies and freelance work.

US Cellular TV Spots and Print campaign. Detroit, MI

ABC Warehouse. Detroit, MI
Part of a string of quirky TV spots for a local discount store. The owner admitted to never really grasping why people enjoyed them. But he did love the result$.

Cannondale print campaign. Providence, RI
In a time when bike advertising was all about showing babes and bumps, we took a different path and concentrated on craftsmanship.

Dexter Shoes, print campaign. Boston, MA
Ads and catalogs produced while working for Pagano, Schenck and Kay.

Wyoming Tourism. Jackson Hole, Wyoming
National print campaign that brought a lot of tourism to the state.

Planet Ant Film Festival Posters. Hamtramck, MI
An off-beat film festival deserves a quirky poster.

Bradley Hospital. Providence, RI
Bradley Hospital treats mental illness. These posters were part of a series to defray some common misconceptions about seeking assistance.

First Night. Providence, RI.
A family friendly citywide party on New Year Eve. I designed the signage and program.

Providence Hospital Trust. RI.
For several years I designed annual reports, newsletters, community event posters for this Rhode Island banking institution.

Gordon School. Providence, RI
Annual Reports and Promotional materials for a creative arts school.

Women & Infants' Hospital. Providence, RI
Fashioned annual reports and community outreach materials for this hospital.

Billboard for Universal Studio.
Part of a pitch to Universal Studios, Detroit, MI. Using art from their attractions, we created promotional materials around "universal truths".